01752 229116 sales@plymouthreptiles.com Mon - Sat: 9.15 - 5.30 | Sun 10 - 4


Christmas Offer 10% Off

Walnut Tortoise Table Kit and Hermanns or Horsfields Tortoise

One of the largest reptile shops in the South-West.

We are agents for Exo Terra, VivExotic, Habistat, ProRep, Arcadia and GiganTerra.

Our Bearded Dragon Kit

The bearded dragon-specific kit that we offer includes everything that we would use in our own bearded dragon enclosures in the shop.

The AAL VivExotic Repti-Home comes in a range of colours, and will be supplied with all essentials: heating, lighting (including all fixtures), thermostat, water bowl, substrate and decor.
The complete starter kit, including the bearded dragon itself costs: from £480

Our Bearded Dragon Kit

Our in-store bearded dragon kit

Our Starter Kits

We offer full starter kits for most of the animals that we stock

Chameleon Kit

Everything you need for a new chameleon

Snake Kits

Everything you need for a snake

Tortoise Kit

Everything you need for a tortoise

Crested Gecko Kit

Everything you need for your new gecko

Bearded Dragon Kit

Everything you need for your bearded dragon

Leopard Gecko Kit

Everything you need for your new snake

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Client 5
Client 6

Plymouth Reptiles

Plymouth Reptiles
Registered in England and Wales: 09076734
VAT Registration: GB 235 5807 01

Registered Office:
371 Faraday Mill Trade Park
7-11 Cattewater Road
Prince Rock
Plymouth, PL4 0SF
Telephone Number: 01752 229116


Starter Kits

Licenced by Plymouth City Council under the Animal Welfare (Licencing of Activites involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.

Animal Activity Licence number A038

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